Scams, corruption and total lack of ethics have been so top of mind during lockdown but one we had not anticipated was bogus companies charging teachers to renew their South African Council of Educators’ (SACE) registration. Sadly three teachers were recently scammed when they used an independent company to process their SACE registration and they felt that if SACE had been providing an efficient service this would not have happened.

The South Africa Council of Educators’ Act requires that all educators must register with the Council before appointment to a teaching post, and no person may be employed as an educator by an employer unless that person is registered with the Council.

At iFacts we do help teachers to register or renew their registration with SACE as it is a time consuming exercise but we would urge the applicants to understand that they have to do an AFISwitch police clearance using the legislated equipment. The individual will be able to ensure that their fingerprints are taken and processed by a legitimate SAPS approved agency and they must request an official SACE receipt for the processing fee of R200 for local qualified teachers or R400 for foreign registered teachers.

For more information or to book an appointment to renew your SACE registration click here

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