Online Interviews

Online interviews not only allow you to continue your recruitment process while maintaining social distance but it can also be a far more cost effective way of conducting interviews and allowing your recruitment team to assess candidates in a conversational type way and not only by assessing the CV or job application.  The system enables the recruitment team to send the candidate a link and once the interview is complete the team can all assess and rate the candidate and share these comments online with the rest of the recruitment team.

In addition to being able to verify information provided during the job application process, the online interview allows you assess an individual’s communication skills, body language and gauge the fit to the culture of the organization.

The concept of determining the ease with which a person can adapt effectively to a new workplace/environment is not new.  With the international onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the emphasis shifted more to adapting to the home-based work environment or remote working environment and it is with this in mind that iFacts launched the Remote Worker Orientation Assessment tool in order to determine the ability of an employee to work remotely. 

Research shows that there are common denominators of who can/should be considered for a home-based work situation – in other words, what indicators differentiate effectively between candidates who most probably would operate successfully from home and those not.

Remote Worker Assessment (WOT) sample report


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