Once the candidate has accepted the job offer and is excited to be part of the organization it is the company’s responsibility to ensure that the on-boarding process is professionally managed. No new employee wants to land at a desk with stationery and be left to “get on with it???.

Company responsibilities include:

•Induction which should include information about the company (external and internal), company policies and job responsibilities. At the end of the process the employee should know where they “fit??? and should be motivated to become productive as soon as possible.
•A career development plan should be discussed and briefly entered into allowing the employee to know what their potential future is. This is to be discussed at a more formal meeting so that they have an understanding of what is expected of them and where they are heading.
•Shortly after engagement an on-boarding survey should be sent to the employee to ensure that all elements of the introduction and engagement with the company have been positive and that they are satisfied with the process. This should allow for questions to be asked so that the company can address any misunderstandings or unmet expectations.


Click here to view the lifecycle of an employee.

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