Ethics Assessments

iFacts possesses a test arsenal (Ethics Assessments) consisting of seven instruments in order to effectively cover all angles and purposes related to the wide and comprehensive sphere of the composite concept of the integrity concept.  The measuring instrument closest related to serving the purpose and need of the particular user at that stage is selected and administered and used as the basis to compose the integrity/ethic report which will of  course, be structured to serve the need of the user.


From the above it is thus clear that  the proto-type of an ethical report will be based on the particular situation and need of the user/client.  It will be impossible to structure a template-report that will  optimally satisfy the client’s  unique  need(s) if the particular situation is not totally taken into account and is not serving as the basis of composing the report.  In short, iFacts provides an ethical/integrity report based on a wide spectrum of the dedicated instruments in accordance to the situation.


It is suggested that the above approach, based on applying the best practices principles in composing an integrity report,  is provided to the (potential) client.  It is our practice that this is the more optimal approach when a report is to be based on the rather comprehensive integrity construct.

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