iFacts is thrilled to have gone into partnership with Farosian, enabling us to offer Social Media Screening checks as part of our People Risk Management Solutions as one of our new vetting tools.
Analysing the statistics around social media and the risks employees pose to an organization has been incredibly interesting and I am sure you have seen these statistics in our iFacts social media campaigns. Please view our Face Book page: https://www.facebook.com/IFacts-203605009671353/
Gary Carter of Dac Systems has said that a key characteristic of 2017 will be a more discerning, more tech savvy user who will be more aware of social media and abuses.
Some of the cases studies we have seen have been fascinating and sadly the most interesting and obviously most risky profile was one of an employee who had recently been placed and was then screened. She was immediately dismissed but at huge cost to the company. If they had only spent a mere R300 they could have identified this risk very easily.
In addition to social media risk we looked at the risk associated with employees bringing their smart phones into the workplace and taking photographs in the workplace. This can lead to massive challenges when you demand that the employee removes the photographs from their personal equipment and ask for evidence of that. The labour court fortunately ruled in favour of the employer but it was a long and difficult process.
I suggest you watch our social media for details of our new service – it is available online and globally.